
Burak Onur ERDEM

Choral Conductor

B. O. Erdem has graduated from Bogazici University Political Science & International Relations department with the Rectorate Prize. He has finished master’s degree in ITU Center for Advanced Studies in Music, where he still works as a researcher and continues his doctoral studies on conducting.

He has strengthened his choral conducting skills in masterclasses, working with acclaimed conductors including Anders Aby, Volker Hempfling, Denes Szabo and Elisenda Carrasco. He participated in workshops of world renowned conductors like Johannes Prinz, Frieder Bernius, Maria Guinand and Georg Grün. He has initiated choral festivals, choral conducting courses and international music projects in Turkey.

He pursues innovation in Turkish choral life as the chairman of the Choral Culture Assoication. He is giving seminars and workshops within Turkey and abroad on choral music. He holds the position of Vice-Chair at European Choral Association Youth Committee. Apart from Istanbul-based chamber choir Rezonans as his main choral ensemble, he is also conducting Istanbul European Choir.