
Mustafa Bulent Yildiz (Traveler)

Mustafa Bulent Yildiz (Traveler)

His life journey started in 1967 and he always felt himself close to spiritualism and natural sciences, nevertheless he studied Management Department of Ankara University S.B.F known as Mülkiye as a favor to his family. His travels to explore the world that turned into searching for the truth started in 90's.

In this context, remembering the most mysterious land to be travelled is very close indeed; with the intention of being the traveler and the path itself; he started to serve as comrade with the stance that life it selfbeing the biggest teacher to make everybody fall into their own journey. In the path of enlightment, he developed a program in universal knowledge, awareness and holistic wellbeing (healing). His passion is human embracing and blessing all living creatures, nature, the world, the cosmos and even the whole universe with the awareness of his innercore connection.

He is the owner of Çıvgın, the ground of ethnicity and spirituality.